Missing Scene #32 "Friday's Child"
The scenes from Episode #32: Friday's Child that the Producers didn't want you to see.
Missing Scene #34 "Amok Time"
The scenes from Episode #34: Amok Time that the producers didn't want you to see.
Missing Scene #39 "Mirror, Mirror"
The scenes from Episode #39: Mirror, Mirror that the producers didn't want you to see.
Missing Scene #44 "Journey to Babel"
The scenes from Episode #44: Journey to Babel that the producers didn't want you to see.
Getting to Know You: McCoy
Kirk sends McCoy a survey and Spock prods McCoy into filling it out.
Getting to Know You: Spock
Revenge is sweet. McCoy sends Spock the survey and makes him fill it out.
Getting to Know You: Mirror McCoy
The Empire sends out a survey to all Starfleet personnel. McCoy answers.
Getting to Know You: Mirror Spock
The Empire sends out a survey to all Starfleet personnel. Spock answers.
A Physician's Lot
My apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan for filking. A song about why Len's life is irritating.
The Coyote Song
A song about me, to the tune of a well-known Monty Python song.
The Spock/McCoy Ship Manifesto
Written for the Ship Manifesto Live Journal group, this is a 20,000 word essay (with pictures) explaining
why Spock/McCoy makes sense and is an awesome pairing. It's worth checking out just for the visuals.
Star Trek Outtakes
Ever wonder what happened when the actors got the scenes wrong?
Star Trek Outtakes II: The Sequel
The actors are still misbehaving and Roddenberry's getting mad.
Star Trek Outtakes III: The Search for Sanity
The actors have branched out, and now they're bothering each other. Gene's heavily considering resignation.
When the Klingons Bear Their Guns
More apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan for filking. This time, we learn just how evil Starfleet Head Quarters