Tempest's Caves
About Tempest
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A lady named Janet lives in a cave
And she is known by all to be very brave
For she lives with Spock and McCoy's antics
And the small coyote's driving her frantic
To her lets raise a drink and tidy the cave
                    -A Limerick by Qzeebrella

My name is Tempest, (also Janet). I'm the Mama Coyote. And I'm a Spock/McCoy slasher. I've been involved in slash for about eight years, brought in with the new millenium.
I'm also a bartender and pirate/rogue. I help teach Spock/McCoy at Trek Smut University, and I write...sometimes. Writing isn't always easy, but I make up for it it other ways. I'm responsible for a great deal of S/Mc-related sources on the Internet, including the Spock/McCoyote's Den, Spock/McCoy Haven, and Spiced Peaches: The S/Mc E-zine. But there's more about that on the Links page.
This is my personal site. Here you'll find my stories, filks, artwork, and a 20,000 word Spock/McCoy ship manifesto. Please feel free to look around. Or leave me feedback via email. I like emails.